Wednesday 16 February 2011

Hall Paper


So which way is the the right way up? Left is the turban style as described by Tiggy and right is the tear drop. I'm leaning toward the tear drop. It does look so different when photographed.

Today I bought the coving. Bohdan was most insistent that it be a decent size to match the skirting I've chosen. I'm glad he's making these decisions. I also bought some more items for my work room. A mirror. A dress form and some hangers.

Yesterday I ordered more wallpaper.

 and added these for the workroom. I want to use the diamond border and perhaps some of the stripes, but the bird paper really caught my attention. I think it fits very well with the curtains.

May your day be filled with sparkles.
Kirscha x


  1. Ooooh LuV the Teardrop! Yep, thats the direction - according to me and Tiggs anyway LOL!!!

    Blessings Dear Kirscha!

  2. Thank you. Yes, we're going with the teardrops. Now that I see them together, that's the only choice.
    Glitters of gladness and joy for you Tiggy.
    Valli & Kirscha x
