Sunday 13 February 2011

Moving my blog!

I have moved here because it will be much easier for everyone. No adverts and a pretty setting for me to share my life, so come and join me for a cup of tea and a chat.
This is my new teaset. It will be in my work room as I've decided to decorate it in gold and black.

I invited some friends to share. Sally, Onyx, Vicky and Froggie.

We had so much to talk about as they wanted clothes, but I explained that I was so busy decorating my house at the moment that I just didn't have time to sew. I hope I can make them beautiful clothes in the future.
See the exquisite curtains that inspired my colour choice behind me? They were made by the very clever artist, Pat of  Celestial Magic on Etsy. She will be making more curtains when I've chosen the fabrics. I am delighted with her work.

I bought a new sewing box.

It has some lovely cottons, needles and a tape measure.
You can never have too many threads.

For the lounge I've chosen some pottery and if you click on the picture you'll be able to see the Nefratiti bronze that will go in the dining room cabinet.

For the kitchen, two folding stools. I felt the breakfast bar needed some as I won't be using my table and chairs. It's usually only me and possibly another friend at breakfast, but should anyone else join me we can always bring the chairs down from the dining room. I didn't want to clutter the kitchen. I never know when the fancy to twirl the faerie dance will strike me. Hahaha... but I cannot think of my faerie life now, I must stay focussed. They say time heals... doesn't it?

Scales for the kitchen. Red, black and white is the theme.

A red telephone for the kitchen and photo frames for elsewhere. I wonder if I should put a picture of Rivenhaugh in one? No... no one must know. Dear Rivenhaugh... how I miss you.

Drinks for my friends. Red wine and Brandy. I wonder if they will think the golden goblets too much. I am sure they will like the brandy within and perhaps after consuming some wine with a good meal, they shall be too happy to mind. I also bought some spare glasses for those who prefer something else.

Tomorrow I hope to show you the beautiful wallpapers that have arrived.

Please return and wishing you much joy,
Kirscha x


  1. WoWZ! SqueeDoodle COOL! LuV Yer Bloggie!!! Dangs FineMost Fixins Happenins! LuV,~ TiGGy!

  2. Greetings Tiggy, most honoured amongst the Firefly Faeries. You have made my day with your gracious words. We faeries must join forces and uphold the goodness of our kind and share the faerie love. Thank you for being the very first to post a comment. Faerie blessings, Kirscha x
